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On tonight's episode of Bar Rescue, Jon Taffer and creware in Council Bluffs, Iowa to try to rescue the O'Face Bar. This is the second of three Omaha area Bar Rescue's that will air this season.

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The episode is called 'Punch-Drunk and Trailer-Trashed' and says that Jon tries to help a feuding and dysfunctional family. If you follow Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue, or Spike TV on social media, you already know they are hyping this up as an episode where Jon Taffer walks out on the bar. And the hype is real as he does end up walking out on this bar, meaning no name change or anything.Let's take a look at some information, updates and drama behind the O'Face Bar Rescue makeover and see what made Jon Taffer walk out on them.News and Links:. There are on the Spike TV site that preview this episode and show the fighting, etc. Council Bluffs is referred to by some as 'Council Tucky.' The Urban Dictionary definition is which says things like: 'nickname for the town across the river from Omaha perceived to be like the backwoods country of Kentucky,' 'a town with its fair share of strip joints, pickup trucks, and mullet hair cuts.'

And 'the “white trash” area of the Omaha metro.' . Side note - MTV's Teen Mom turned porn star Farrah Abraham is from Council Bluffs, IA. The Google street view of O'Face is to the right. It looks pretty much like a trailer, and the kids riding bikes and tricycles is a nice addition.

Here is the O'Face, and they now have an 'As Seen On Bar Rescue' picture on their page. 20th they, 'We open tonight at 7:30 for the stress test. Hope to see everyone there.' 22nd they 'We will be open tonight at 8pm. It will be a normal night. Everythinghas been delayed.

Thanks for bearing with us during this time. We cannotdiscuss at this time what is going on. See everyone tonight.' . Here is the O'Face that has their daily specials. Here is the O'Face, which has info such as Matt has plead guilty to 'operating persay', which I think he meant per se and is basically a DUI.

They bought the bar from a place called O'Briens for $75,000. The terms were $7,000 down, $7,000 when liquor license is approved, and then $1,600 monthly payments until it was paid off.

The sale included all stock and fixtures. (Edit - The O'Briens bar is actually ANOTHER bar owned by Matt and Karen in Omaha, NE). O'Face got in trouble with the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Commission last year for serving an 'alcoholic beverage or beer to someone who was intoxicated at the time.' .

Here are the owners and Facebook pages, which are private. Amanda is still at O'Face despite Jon wanting her fired, and her lists her as 'GM, Bartender, DJ at O'Face.'

She had a status update a few weeks ago, 'Watching bar rescue makes me sick to my stomach.' There was also a ' My sisters imitation of me when I'm drunk and wanting to fight lmao.' So apparently her fighting is common. Here is the for another bartender from tonight's episode named Dave. According to comments on his page, he apparently gets slapped by fellow employees. He also has a around the time of Bar Rescue leaving that says, 'This is for all u nieve n shallow no life gossiping fb freaks. U dontknow anything really about bar rescue at oface except they were there itwas a closed set only people that do know are the employes n castingcrew.so u all need to stop assuming and posting ur idiocrecy posts.causwhen u assume u make an ass out of me n u.

So stop hating on my bar andour staff cause u dont know.' . UPDATE - Here is Cerisa's, and she is friends with Amanda. They were both commenting on the preview of the episode, saying Cerisa 'played the victim well.' Broadcom wireless lan driver for microsoft xp.

. There are photos of Amanda and Dave doing flaming shots, so look for that to be on the episode tonight, which will make Taffer angry. The blog was there during a day of the Bar Rescue filming for O'Face, and has some good details. The person there said it was quiet and he was getting good service and actually enjoying himself at the bar. The music was off and the lights were up in the bar, which was an indication they were filming.


Then out of nowhere the owner starts ringing a bell and yelling over the loud speaker, followed up by the music coming on and a girl dancing on top of the bar.After this, a fight broke out between a female bartender and someone else, and they went outside to settle it (this was in the preview). Jon Taffer then came out of nowhere to break up the fight. Meanwhile everyone in the bar was blocked from going outside and were told to stay in the bar (that wouldn't look good on camera and Taffer couldn't do his thing). After the fight, the bickering continued inside the bar and eventually the cops showed up to remove the bartender.Conclusion:Look for a lot of drama on tonight's episode with bartenders, bar owners, and employees fighting, being drunk, and not caring. As stated before, it seems like Bar Rescue is moving more towards trying to find bars where there will be tons of drama (and possibly manufacturing some drama) this season and the show is less about the rescue.


They just got, so it appears to be working.It was only a matter of time before Jon Taffer walked out on a bar, as he is always threatening it. You saw all of the press and publicity Gordon Ramsay and Kitchen Nightmares got when he walked out on Amy's Baking Company last year, so you would assume other makeover shows would follow.Jon Taffer loves the attention and drama and has been building this up with a #TafferWalks hashtag on Twitter, and saying he can't wait to see people's reactions to him walking out. I am also interesting in seeing the comments on this site after the show, as people from the show usually end up commenting.UPDATE -UPDATE 5/2014 -UPDATE 6/2014 -.

(License renewal appeal scheduled for July 28th)UPDATE 8/2014 -.Despite what Yelp says, O'Face is still open. Here is a of people checking in there.UPDATE 2/2016 - O Face owner Matthew Overmyer was arrested for suspected sexual abuse of someone that supposedly worked at the bar. His wife was supposedly out of town at the time of the assault. UPDATE 10/2016 - Matthew Overmyer plead guilty to the sexual assault charges and was ordered to spend 90 days in jail. He also has two years of probation following his sentence and will undergo a sex offender treatment program.

A no contact order with the victim has been issued for five years. Matthew Overmyer also will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life and pay any restitution to the victim, should she seek counseling. UPDATE 3/2017 - Matthew Overmyer was ordered to pay $4,640 in restitution to the victim, which was a lowered figure. UPDATE 4/2017 - Matthew Overmyer went back to jail for failing to register as a sex offender.

UPDATE 5/2017 - Omaha City Council renewed the liquor license at O Face and the bar continues to operate.To see how all of the bars from Bar Rescue are doing, go to the, and also or to stay up to date with all things involving Bar Rescue. RullI have been in bars with owner's like these. They want help but take no responsibility for their businesses failure. You can't drink to excesses when you are the person that is supposed to be handling the business, your employees can't drink when they are supposed to be servicing customers. How do you say you want help and then sit in an office texting and smoking. What an idiot. The husband is a bully because he refuses to blame his ball breaker of wife for anything and takes his anger out on his employees.The only person that had any sense at that place is the security guard and they fired him.

Misery loves company and this group of people are a textbook case of enabling behavior. Jon is correct. They need help for alcoholism, anger management, and marriage counseling. A train wreck of people's lives. CyndiJust some suggestions:Hubby of the bleached blonde, angry, smoking, lazy dressed pig- grow some balls, either get out of the marriage or take a stand.

Stuff her mouth with anything-she does not know what she is doing and take the phone. Obviously you want to hire incompetent trash, you hired Michelle Tyson back (although she looked more like a Mike). I would not eat or drink anything there I would be afraid of catching something.either from the staff or the lack of cleanliness of everything else. Miss Piggy you are a disgrace to the female race.

Oh and the guy that got slapped? You need to take him to court. It is on film- never is there a reason you should be attacked.

JustinI can't believe Karen. Who let's a fast cow sit at the end of the bar and ring a bell for drinks. Get off your fat ass and do something useful.The husband is a joke too.

Somebody yelled at your wife - SO WHAT! Have you thought that maybe she deserved it? Another thing - I have nothing but mad respect for our Armed Forces but the husband is a piss poor example of a military man.Amanda, go back to your trailer park.

I think they're missing their neighborhood bully. You're a manager?!

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Have you thought about acting like one?! Andy BruinewoudI think this show ended up exposing Bar Rescue more than it did the bar. The manager was clearly wearing a mic during her fight, during the supposed surveillance night.

And if the fight shown at the end wasn't staged, who filmed it? Do you really think the producers got a hold of the footage between the stress test and the last day? Or that they don't run a background check on the bar before filming? This was set up to fail from the beginning. That's probably why Taffer only bothered to bring one expert with him for this trip. Cincy32Kerri, don't take it personally. I'm from an Ohio rust belt city (Springfield) and we have nearly the exact same population and probably only a slightly higher median income (if not the same).

As soon as we saw those stats I told my parents, 'Hey, that's Springfield!' No one with even half a brain would assume that the Oface staff is a typical representation of Council Bluffs' residents and NEITHER SHOULD YOU. You've really got to take the good with the bad. If you are offended by what a Spike TV reality show about BARS barely even says about your city within only 45 minutes during a primetime slot then you clearly don't worry about (or even pay attention to) what really matters in your town.

If I boycotted every national cable station that aired something even remotely negative about my town then I wouldn't be able to watch TV at all - seriously, I could make a laundry list of negative national coverage my small city has received, the latest of which was only three weeks ago: google 'michaela bruce nancy grace.' Just relax Kerri. If the media was informative then we would all be geniuses.

Jamina Kauloa O'Waiohinu LewisKerri I don't believe they were saying that Council Bluff and all the citizens there are this way. You are disgusted by the way your hometown was portrayed by a show (even though it wasn't about your hometown, but a business) yet you don't seem to be disgusted at the business owners and most of their staff for the way they portrayed themselves.

On another note I hope that this couple will lose this business because they have no right to be business owners especially in a hospitality field. They have no clue what it means to be customer service oriented or how to even be bosses. I'm so glad that John walked out on them because they didn't deserve his help. They will never get ahead because they don't believe they are doing anything wrong. Vic Pilsner-WinkerAs what I saw on the show and what I read here and seen on their online ad, WOW!

If I worked for them and if a manager or owner of any bar who hits me and/or abuse me, a lawsuit would be issued. The owners and the manager all needs therapy for their anger issues and I know there are several. There was too many finger pointing and they cannot take their own blame. Jon did the right thing in walking out because this bar does not deserve to be in function.

They all need to grow up, respect their employees and all work together. This is how it follows: Owners shows examples to managers and employees for their behavior and they all learn. Managers shows examples to employees for their behavior and they all learn. Any employee who gets abused or beaten by a manager or owner should prosecute and file for arrests. That is assault no matter how it is decorated. Jon is right in every direction of that fight. Both Matt, from what I saw on video and Amanda for what she did to the bartender should both be facing 15 yrs for assault and battery to their employees and pay for their loss wages.

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And if this Amanda reads this, you work in my business, you would be fired if you did that here and also be prosecuted. CursealoudI believe you rose to that occasion Irish. They were clearly inept, but that doesn't change the fact that the place is staffed to serve 15 people and they get pummeled with a 100. They do this at the end as well and when watching the behind the scenes it all makes sense. When they show waitresses talking to customers at the end they never let you hear what they are actually saying. Some managers are actually apologizing for the inconvenience.

It's not as cut and dry as they edit it to be. LaLaEveryone's defending the security guy HOWEVER, he defended the bar after the taping on his Facebook page. The local rednecks defended their 'favorite bar' & the 'awesome owners' too. That place is a serious joke! Jon Taffer needed a serious dump to show he actually has standards.

If it was all a set up, shame on Bar Rescue (even though I know the Cincinnati one was legit. As legit as a reality show can be). Council Bluffs IA is now represented by Teen Mom train wreck Farrah & now the most hillbilly bar in America. SarahAt first I thought this was just an early April fool's joke. The sad part is that we were once at this bar.

Yes, from the outside it does look like a trailer but when you get inside the smell it what was bad for me. Saw Syck at the door, greeted us nicely but we were not there more than 15 minutes when the owner started yelling at someone sitting at the bar.

We both looked at each other and decided to leave. But I did see the female owner sitting at the end of the bar with her little bell and yes she was ringing it.

Saw Bar Rescue tonight and the show was very accurate on its description. Concerning the one employee who was beaten up by the manager, see an lawyer.

Because what I could see you could win big. Like to see the bar a year from now, who am I kidding, the women is still going to be drinking and the owner yelling at people. But remember it is ALWAYS someone else's fault. HopeDayI have never taken the time to post comments regarding the show because it is just not me, but the behavior of hitting an employee or anyone period is beyond words. The employees and customers that were and WILL be harmed in the future should be prepared and get legal help. Taffer said it right when he said 'your character is the problem' and 'the problem is you think your behavior is okay'.

Update Status Keren 2014

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I can not believe it. I have supervised and managed for several years and I have to laugh to think if only I could beat those employees because I don't like their attitude. I can see it now, hit the employee, company terminates me on the spot and calls the police who then takes me to jail. These people behavior is horrible. LimbeckisradWow, sometimes I forget people of this caliber exist. Amanda and Karen are as DISGUSTING as they come.

Punishing to watch. Blows my mind her husband chooses to stay in a situation like that with a monster puffing on her marlboro. He's lost his mind and should be kicked out of the military for his behavior.

Really hope this place gets shut down or hit by a tornado ASAP. That girl needs to sue them.

These people belong on a long lost island thousands of miles from land. We can helicopter drop insane clown posse CD's while they drink miserably ever after. Omaha and other places dealing with white trash like this don't need it anymore. JustsayinYeah cause prostitutes are specific to Omaha and none of them are across the river. Omaha has its issues but they don't parade their trash on national television.

You know why they always show Omaha, because there is literally nothing attractive about Council Bluffs. Maybe all the casinos?

I don't know. Even people from Sioux City (people who are from there call it even call Sewer City) don't like Council Bluffs. Let me tell you Sioux City is not too bad. Would rather drive the hour there then just across the bridge. In all seriousness who likes Council Bluffs besides people who live there? And I don't usually have issues with Old Market bums.