Bar Graph Program In Java

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How does an aid group allocate resources to its affiliated local partners?To solve such problems, we first represent the key pieces of data in a complex data structure. In this course, you’ll learn about data structures, like graphs, that are fundamental for working with structured real world data. You will develop, implement, and analyze algorithms for working with this data to solve real world problems. In addition, as the programs you develop in this course become more complex, we’ll examine what makes for good code and class hierarchy design so that you can not only write correct code, but also share it with other people and maintain it in the future.The backbone project in this course will be a route planning application. You will apply the concepts from each Module directly to building an application that allows an autonomous agent (or a human driver!) to navigate its environment.

And as usual we have our different video series to help tie the content back to its importance in the real world and to provide tiered levels of support to meet your personal needs. MUSIC All right, we're ready to implement graphs. Now that we have their definitions and some of the motivations behind the graphs out the way. Let's thinks about how to write some classes to describe graphs in Java. And so by the end of this video, you'll be well on your way to doing just that.

So, thinking back to what we have to represent in our code. We have the basic objects, which are the nodes or the vertices, and then we wanna talk about relationships between them. But now we have to translate everything into object that the computer can actually manipulate and work with.

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And so we're going to represent our vertices as integers. And so each vertex is going to be named by some integer. It's going to be a non-negative integer, zero through some number. And then we can talk about the relationship between those integers as those edges. And so let's start building up our class.

And remember that little icon that we've been using throughout the whole specialization to indicate a class definition. And so for our class we're going to have to keep track in a given graph, how many vertices we have and how many edges. And so those are going to be our private number fields, and then as we build up a graph and add more vertices, add more edges we're going to want to be able to have access to those key properties that we care about, the number of vertices, the number of edges, that as we said before will determine the size of the graph. We need both of those components. We're going to start by saying any graph needs to tell us information about that.

Bar Graph Program Download


Now notice that the class that we're defining right now is an abstract class. And in the abstract class what we're doing is we're saying some data that's associated with any graph and some methods that ought to be available whenever we have a graph.

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But we're going to leave some of the implementation not completely specified and we're going to leave it to our subclasses to specify how we implement some of the key functionalities of the graph. So, in particular for a graph, we're going to want to add vertices, and so any graph ought to be able to do that. So we have a method in our abstract classes says, we ought to be able to add a vertex.

And notice that there's no arguments to this method because what we're going to do is just say, however many vertices we have now, those have certain indices. Now, add a new vertex, and just give it the next available index. And, how do we do that? How do we represent vertices? We'll that's going to be an implementation detail that's decided by the subclass that we'll write a little bit later. And so as part of our addVertex method, the first thing we do is we're going to call the implementAddVertex method, that at this point we're going to leave abstract.

We're going to say whichever class fills in the specification, fills in the implementation, will have to tell me how to implement adding a vertex. But, any graph ought to be able to do that. And as soon as I've implemented add the vertex, then I need to increment my count of how many vertices there are by one. Okay, now we're gonna do a similar process for adding edges, and for our abstract class definition, we're going to specify that we need at least one other method that should be available when we have a graph, and that's the getNeighbors method. Now, why is that important? Why do we care about getting neighbors? The reason we have a graph is not just for the nodes and thinking about them as objects but we care about the relationships, and so if we have a particular node that we're trying to think about then we wanna know which vertices are adjacent to it.

And thinking back to the project, thinking back to the application that we care about. If our nodes are cities then what we'd like to know is, which other cities could we get to just by following a single road, or if our edges represent airplane routes then which cities can we get to just using a non-stop flight. So the getNeighbors method is a really important method that we would like to implement in our graph. And so what our next step will be is thinking about the subclasses that we'll define in Java to fill in some of those abstract methods and in particular to make decisions about how to represent our vertices and our edges so that we know how to implement those methods.

The graphics coordinate system in Java is left to right top to bottom. This explains why your rectangle appears to be drawn upside down.0,0 x increases to the right 50,50y increase downThe first Java program I ever wrote was an to draw diagrams from coordinates stored in a mainframe. I had to go through a lot of gyrations to reverse the polarity of the y coordinates, so believe me I feel your pain!-I'm a soldier in the NetScape Wars.JoelThis message has been edited by Joel Cochran (edited May 11, 2001).