Download Deicide The Stench Of Redemption 666 Ep Rar

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Download Deicide The Stench Of Redemption 666 Ep Rar 3,8/5 198 reviews
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Review Summary: A very enjoyable and tightly executed album that suffers from the ridiculous Satanic image Deicide have made for themselves.There aren’t many bands outside of black metal who have created the amount of controversy that Florida based death metal giant Deicide have. A Satanic image does give them a bad reputation, but one cannot doubt that it does bring a lot of publicity to the band. Most of Deicide’s earlier work has been pretty mediocre death metal, stripped bare of all niceties, and overly Satanic, to the point where it starts getting ridiculous. Still, The Stench of Redemption is probably the best album Deicide have ever made.Prior to this album, Deicide underwent line-up changes which involved the replacement of both guitarists.

That is undeniably the reason why this album rises above the previous Deicide efforts. Instrumentally, the album is superb. There is melody, there is brutality, and there is damn fine execution. The drumming has been one of the consistencies of Deicide, mostly in part to the talent of Steve Asheim (my spell-check came up with Atheism for his last name, how ironic). Even on the previous album Scars of the Crucifix, which was a pretty poor album, Asheim did a decent job. He again is brilliant on The Stench of Redemption, probably the best he has ever been.

Alongside Asheim, the two new guitarists Jack Owen and Ralph Santolla, really shine on the album. As said before, there is a great deal of melody in the album, which was never apparent in any earlier albums. The more brutal moments are tightly played and sound great. The biggest thing about the album for me was the guitar solos: they’re simply exceptional. I think most songs had a guitar solo, and all of them are amazing. Also, they aren’t solely based around insane speeds (e.g.

Early Slayer); each of them are thoughtfully written and melodiously played.In order for the excellent musicianship to be heard, the quality needed to be high. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to any Deicide album where the production has been good, but thankfully The Stench of Redemption is the first exception. However, I had a problem with the mixing, and that was the music all blended into a single twisted sound rather than each instrument being separate from each other. The lead breaks aside, the riffing, drumming, and inaudible bass all mesh into one frantic and furious noise. It can be a good or a bad thing, depending on how you like your music, but I personally thought it was a bit too much.As mentioned before, the bass is completely inaudible. It just gets completely lost in the mix. Benton’s vocals however, are very nicely audible.

Download deicide the stench of redemption 666 ep rare

They’re set a little louder than the music, which in a lot of cases isn’t a good thing, but seemed to really work with this album. Benton uses a different style of vocals, where he does his signature low indecipherable growl, but then does a high pitched scream over the growls. It’s a good formula, and shows off the capabilities of Benton’s voice. Nonetheless, I still had a problem with the low vocals.

I just could not appreciate Benton’s growls, no matter how hard I tried. It goes the same with all of Deicide’s albums. His low, gravelly voice does not sit well with me. However, The Stench of Redemption is the best Deicide album in terms of vocals.

For example, I cannot stand the vocals on Scars of the Crucifix; they’re far too cookie monster-like.Longevity wise, the album has a lot to offer. The songs are all varied and don’t just sound the same, which to me as a big issue with earlier albums. This came out over a year ago and I still listen to it. Along with delightful musicianship and really cool artwork, and depending on whether you can overlook the silly satanic image, this album is a very enjoyable death metal album. I was unsure of whether to give this album a 3.5 or 4, but in the end I’ve decided to give it a 4, on the assumption that people will not be bothered by ridiculous song titles like ‘Death to Jesus’. If you do think it’s a little over the top, take a half of the score.

I'm not sure if this album was worth 5 years uponarising, but I gave it a 'B' anyway since DEICIDE is still playingaggressive death metal after 30+ years of being in existence. I'm going to say it but I always liked themthe most with the Hoffman brothers in the band. They just were so much morecreative from their debut all the way up unto 'Scars of the Crucifix'. But nowwith newer lineups Ralph Santolla's passing and recruiting members to that ofthe likes of Cannibal Corpse, Order of Ennead, and Monstrosity things willnever be the same again. Nothing can replace the innovative first two releases.But this is them now. Them being on Century Media Records now long over withRoadrunner Records (Hoffman era) it seems as though DEICIDE is still lookingfor their sound once again. I don't think that they can come up with anythingthat compares to the older albums.

However, one good thing is that they've notlost the intensity and brutality. Sure it's difficult to duplicate what was inthe past.However, it seemed as though after 'Once Upon The Cross' they seemedto be lazy and in regression instead of progression. That's what I'm trying toconvey here, they've at least put out something worth remembering a truly soliddeath metal album. The music is a bit monotonous, but it fits the vocals well.

Glen has not thrown out his voice so that's good andthis quartet has many more years to make more good music. The riffs on here areat times somewhat technical, but they fit with the vocals. Again, not asinnovative as the earlier days are concerned.

But still, they're trying toreestablish themselves. Glen finds it hard to flow with creativity becausebands aren't really making that much anymore. That has to do with everythingdigital and a means of getting music whereas the old fashioned way of doing itvia CD's in long gone. I'd have to say that I'm still old school but I downloadas well. Patchy opacity and infiltrates in children. This album is a prime example. So the production quality to the album was reallygood.

Download Deicide The Stench Of Redemption 666 Ep Rar Download

You can hear all of the music and the vocals aren't overcharged like on'The Stench of Redemption' as an example. I just wish there was more variety toGlen's vocals because the old days he used to scream as well. The music, as statedabove is mediocre, yet solid. Not tosound like a double negative, but really, a lot of the riffs they could've donea better job on. It's not a waste of a release by any means, it just needs morecreativity and passion. 5 years to make a 37 minute album is a little weak I'dhave to say.


Download Deicide The Stench Of Redemption 666 Ep Rare

Download deicide the stench of redemption 666 ep rare

They should have more vigorthan they do. So, should you go ahead and buy the album via CD, orjust download the physical copy of the CD? Download the digital copy first tosee if it's something you'd be interested in. I started off hating thisrelease, then after repeated listens to, I'd have to concur that it's worthbuying the physical CD. They're stillkicking but 30+ years in the death metal arena. They haven't lost it, they justneed to be more creative.

Just because record sales plummeted resoundinglydoesn't mean you have to be disloyal to your fans. Glen needs to analyze thatstatement and take it to heart because there are probably millions that want tohear this album. Get it, NOW!!