Wood Elves Codex Pdf

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First, a few words on how things stoodbefore this new book arrived. The previous Wood Elf book was almost10 years old, having arrived toward the end of 6 thedition. Given that we're relatively close to the end of 8 thedition now, this was a very long lifespan for the old book. Peoplehave been waiting a long time for its replacement to arrive, andthere will doubtless be a level of disappointment after so muchanticipation. This may particularly be the case given that the oldbook was competitive enough when it first arrived, but it had fallenwell behind the curve a long time ago.

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You have people sick of an oldand relatively under-powered (or at least mono-faceted) list,expecting their time in the sun. Given that the old days of powercreep (where each new book is pretty much guaranteed to be the mostpowerful) seem to be behind us, so there was never any guarantee thatthe new book would give Wood Elf players the power to strike fearinto all who oppose them.

In the previous book, Wood Elves hadclear strengths and weaknesses. The internal balance wasn't great,and it meant that players stretching to compete against newer armieswere finding few options. Glade Guard were a core unit who werepotent archers with strength 4 longbows at short range, and the wholearmy could move and shoot without penalty. So your basic buildingblock was archers that could be fielded en masse, and who had theability to move into position or back off as they shot.

There was noarmour to speak of (all the cavalry was light-weight and fast), andyour only ranked infantry option was Eternal Guard, who at strength 3were little threat to many things. Only lord-level Spellweavers couldaccess Lores of Magic other than the, and eventhen they only had the choice of. So the magicalsupport for the army was limited, though vitally important. Manyplayers relied on a level 4 Life mage to hold their lines togetherand give them another ranged weapon in the Dwellers Below. Besidesthis spell and Amber Spear from the Lore of Beasts, the army wasentirely reliant on its bows to bring down the enemy.

With noartillery options, anything that couldn't be felled by strength 4bows was likely to make it into combat. The Elf units in the army all share arule called Forest Stalker. This gives them Forest Strider, and rulesthat are the equivalent to the racial traits of the High Elves andDark Elves (Martial Prowess and Murderous Prowess respectively) whenat least half the unit is in a forest. This means they will shoot andfight in an extra rank, and can re-roll 1s to wound in close combat.All the Elves in the army now have Always Strikes First, to bringthem in line with the other Elven races. What they do not haveis the ability to move and shoot without penalty – this is gone,although it can effectively be replaced using special arrows asdiscussed below. Spellweavers and Spellsingers can nowuse any of the Lores of Battle Magic, with the Spellweaver alsohaving access to High and Dark Magic (albeit with Wood Elf-specificlore attributes).

This obviously adds an enormous level offlexibility in terms of what Wood Elf players can try to do withtheir magic. The playing up of the sinister side of the Wood Elvesseems strange to a lot of people, and it's not something I really gofor either. But whatever, they've been trying to make the race moreinsular and grumpy for a long time now.

The Kindred rules for characters aregone, although you can now buy a couple of specialist heroes asseparate choices. The Shadowdancer is basically just a Wardancer herowith 2 hand weapons, but he can become a level 1 wizard shouldyou so choose, and can spend only 25 points on magic items, thuslimiting his options. There is nothing stating he has to joinWardancers, however. The Waystalker is a Waywatcher hero with only asingle Attack on his profile, but he is a Sniper and can also try tomake use of 25 points of magic items. In a rather cruel blow, just about allForest Spirits have lost a point of Strength.


Dryads are Strength 3,Treekin are Strength 4 and Treemen are Strength 5. Dryads gain Hatredas some form of consolation, but they are also now a ranked unit,which feels strange (despite the fact that they were a ranked unitback in 5 th edition). Unless you're going to hit them witha Strength-boosting spell, Dryads are more of a holding unit than anoffensive one. But one that will lose its steadfast if it's standingin a forest.

Regular Treemen are now WS and BS 6 andLd 9, however they have lost a Wound as wellAncients may not fight well, but Durthu is back andhe is pretty ferocious.as their Strength. Theold Tree Whack attack returns, however it's a bit different from daysgone. The Treeman makes a single attack and if it hits, the targetmust take an initiative test or suffer D6 wounds with no armour save.Treemen are also 60 points cheaper than they used to be, but you haveto pay 20 points for the new Strangleroots (which fire D6+1 Strength5 shots, but you now have to roll to hit, hence the Treeman's BS). Treeman Ancients are still tough, butare terrible fighters. Apparently they get old and bored, and stoppaying attention. They're WS and BS 4, and only have 3 Attacks. Theydo have 6 Wounds and Ld 10, so they're hard to get rid of.

But unlessthey're Thunderstomping Toughness 3 infantry, they're not going to domuch damage. On the up-side, Treeman Ancients are wizards now, usingthe Lore of Life. A Level 4 Ancient will set you back 360 points andcan't get any magic items, but good luck making an Elven Spellweaveranywhere near as resilient. Eternal Guard have an unchanged statline from the previous book, however their weapons are now regular(sharp) spears. They can get shields, making them one of the mostiron-clad units in the army (with a mighty 5+ armour save). They area proper core choice now, and their Stubborn is unconditional(previously there had to be a character in the unit for them toprotect).

All in all, they are a far superior unit to Dryads, and arethe same price until you buy them shields. The Dryads have an extraAttack and point of Toughness and cause Fear, but the Eternal Guardgain ASF, Stubborn, Armour Piercing and Fight in Extra Ranks, a pointof WS, and the benefits of the Forest Stalker rules. Wildwood Rangers are a completely newunit.

Wood Elves with great weapons? Clearly outrageous, andobviously a printing error. Well, maybe not. But it is a surprise tosee it. They have the same elite profile as Eternal Guard, with WS 5and Ld 9.

They're not Stubborn, but they are Immune to Psychology.And they get an extra Attack fighting anything that causes Fear orTerror. They're the kind of guys who find horror movies invigorating,I guess. The great weapons will lose the unit any potential re-rollsto hit that they might have had, but in an army that is a bit thinfor high-Strength attacks, they will doubtless have a place in manyarmies. Warhawk Riders still don't understandthe benefits of armour, but they're better than before thanks totheir status of Monstrous Cavalry. 3 Wounds and Toughness 4 ensuresthey take a bit of killing, even if they do insist on riding intobattle in the buff.

The Warhawks gain Armour Piercing to match thepointy spears and tricksy bows of their riders, and the birds alsogain Killing Blow on the charge, because apparently they understandhow to swoop on prey better than Great Eagles. Being Flying Cavalry,they can also Vanguard, so they'll be pretty quick to get behindenemy lines (or into them). Warhawk Riders are worth a look now, andthey have the distinction of being just about the only MonstrousCavalry that don't understand what all the fuss is about with SearingDoom. Wild Riders have an identity issue.They used to be Forest Spirits, but presumably they heard the rumoursabout Forest Spirits becoming all sickly and weak in the new book, sothey jumped ship. Apparently this change unhinged them somewhat,because they're now lunatics with Frenzy and Devastating Charge,giving them a total of 3 Attacks at WS5, S5 with Armour Piercing andASF on the charge.

Even their steeds are Strength 4. In Wood Elfterms, they hit like a runaway freight train. Which is admittedly howthey might behave with that Frenzy steering them around. Butseriously, these guys lost the plot so badly that they can even getshields, giving them a mighty 4+ armour save.

So they might not beForest Spirits, but they're clearly not real Wood Elves either. Forall of that, they are surely a must-have unit for their sheer punchon the charge.

Their armour penetration is now the best in the army,outstripping even that of the Treemen. Sisters of the Thorn are a special unitand read like an admission of guilt in regard to Dark ElfSisters of the ThornDoomfireWarlocks.

It's like the writers came back and said, “OK, so wemight have gotten a little carried away with that Dark Elf unit. Herewe present the exact same unit, with nearly everything about it hitwith a big Nerf stick.” Where Doomfire Warlocks are a potent combatunit (Strength 4 and 2 Attacks), Sisters of the Thorn are ashort-range, javelin-throwing missile unit (BS5, S3 and 1 Attack,although their steeds are S4). They (and their javelins) havePoisoned Attacks, but they just don't deal enough hurt to scareanyone with that. They're a light-weight harassment unit, and arecollectively a Level 2 wizard with spells to fit the mould – Curseof Anraheir (admittedly a decent spell from the ) andShield of Thorns (an underwhelming spell from the ). Likethe Warlocks, the Sisters of the Thorn have a 4+ ward save, howeverunlike Warlocks, they don't have the combat profile to make themreally want to make use of that save in close combat. Nor do they getthe ward save against miscasts.

Unlike Warlocks. As I say, the unitfeels like an apology for what we found in the Dark Elf book. Someplayers might like the idea of Sisters of the Thorn, but they don'tlook effective enough to really justify a place in a seriouslycompetitive list. They're borderline at best. I am finding it hard to decide, really.The new book certainly offers more viable choices than the previousone, however players are still going to be forced into a certainstyle of play. The new army is seriously lacking in combat punch.Armour will pose a real problem if you can't bring your targets downwith Arcane Bodkins and Waywatchers.

Treemen are no longer theall-purpose can-openers they were before, and Treekin are far moredefensive than attacking with their Strength of 4. Wild Riders haveserious punch, but are fragile and will do little in subsequentrounds of combat if they don't break the enemy on the charge.

Theyare also frenzied, so can be manipulated. A lot of this book comes down to magic.No other race has access to 10 different Lores of Magic, and it feelsas though some of the changes in this book were made with more than acursory thought given to the sort of potential that can offer. Whathappens if the player takes and starts dropping enemyToughness with The Withering, or hits the Dryads with Midrazor? Witheasy access to Beasts magic, do we need to worry about how each unitwould look with Wyssan's Wildform on them? I'd like to think that itwasn't as simple as this, but I do find myself looking at some of theunits (mainly the Forest Spirits) and consider what spells arerequired to really get them pulling their weight.

Without magicalassistance, they're all highly defensive with good Toughness and poorStrength. Whilst magic can indeed be used tofulfil a number of roles, the army can't possibly rely upon it tocover all the bases. If the player is left thinking that way, thelist is flawed.

For me this list feels very defensive, with the onlyreal exceptions being the Wild Riders, Warhawk Riders and theWildwood Rangers. It's possible that you could form an aggressivestyle of play around such units, but they lack resilience and at facevalue the list feels like it's meant to sit back and shoot, and thentry to fend the survivors off with Forest Spirits (who might be toughenough to survive, even if they won't threaten in return). I'd havepreferred a book with a less pre-defined play style to it, but it'spossible that different approaches will prove viable with a bit ofexperimentation. Excellent review. Definitely the most concise and understandable I've come across gives me a clearer idea of what my guys will be facing next time I run into Wood Elves. Loved the comment'My theory for this is that all Elf spears are made equal, but High and Dark Elf spears are blunted from constantly stabbing High and Dark Elves'In terms of magic where would you put them in comparison to HE and DE?

Access to both lores and the new lore attributes are interesting. Combine with Treeman Ancient and I think you have a better casting base - but without the monstrous stuff and flyers that DE/HE to help boost your weaker troops if it doesn't work your stuck. Still don't envy the task of slow marching Dwarfs into a hail of WE archery though. High Elf and Dark Elf magic is still probably more versatile given than they can access High and Dark magic with lower level mages. I think the lore attribute for High Magic is better for High Elves than Wood Elves, although the Dark Magic ones feel relatively similar.I think people will only field a Treeman Ancient if they were considering a level 4 life mage anyway, given he'll do the same job and is so tough. He'll never be much good in combat unless someone hits him with Savage Beast of Horros.Frankly as a Dwarf player I would prefer fighting the Wood Elves now to before.

They don't suddenly go strength 4 at short range, and they won't be backing off and firing without penalty. And if they've paid for special arrows, they will have paid more per archer than they would have before, so there should be fewer of them. I think this is a win for armies determined to march straight at them - except those like Empire and Bretonnian knights, who are low Toughness and rely entirely on their armour.

Armies like that may struggle. I (as a warrior of chaos player) decided to try this new army, being torn between the two when i first started the hobby. And for me, it seems a focus on a completely different style of fighting than charge head first. Wood elves seems more focused on the table control, as well as magic variance and adaptability part of the spectre, compared to the mighty and armoured warriors of our beloved dark gods.I personally feel a crush of despair, with the complete lack of armour, but i think youre right when it comes to the tree- part of the wood elves army.

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Wood Elves Army Book Pdf

They are to survive, not destroy, without magical help. Personally, the idea of a unit of dryads combined with a spellcaster life, throne of vines + flesh to stone, Toughness 8 as well as regrowth seems really powerful. If you pull it off.But otherwise, this seems to be the 'elite' army to play, demanding the most tactics and thought in gameplay. It seems highly adaptable, as long as you dont have to face anything for long in close combat.

The addition of so many spellcasters, as well as the expansion of the lores (even including high and dark magic) gives me the feeling the army is supposed to be boosted to victory. I see magic being really important in the survival of the elves. And lots and lots of arrows. I find that the new army opens up many more possibilities than before.

It will be very hard for an opponent to anticipate what is going to be coming at him. I see the army as a massive and generally very fast glass hammer. In keeping with prior Wood Elf armies, armor is slight or absent.

Wood Elves Army Book Pdf 8th


Wood Elves will win battles the way they always have - with speed and maneuverability. I agree that it is an 'Elite' army. As a 20+ year Wood Elf player I see subtleties of strategy that are not apparent to someone looking over the army for the first time. A master (or someone who has been using it since 8th ed was published) will definitely get the best mileage. However I am glad that they have kept the army challenging and not let it creep up into the realm of being what I call a blaster army. Wood Elves (IMO) have no business being anything a 'power gamer' would desire to use.

But that's just me. I am particularly interested to how the new access to Magic lores and the subtle changes to old units will interact. For example, now that Eternal Guard are permanent Core units and Wood Elves have Shadow lore, I can see lvl 4 Spellweavers sitting in Forests and casting Mindrazor with a 5+ modifier on a horde of 40-50 Eternal Guard, who then get to tear through whatever they run into with 40 S9, WS5, ASF, I5 attacks, all backed up by Stubborn Ld9.

Pretty impressive;)Another unit which I could see benefiting from Lore of Shadows is Waywatchers. A 10 man block can put out 10 BS5 shots, ignoring all armor. Couple that with the Withering and they are potentially bringing down Chaos Knights with 2+s to hit (at short range), wounding on 3+s, and no armor saves. Pretty awesome combination!

Wood Elves Codex Pdf Online

I love the new Wood Elf army book. The fluff is really cool, it makes Athel Loren and Elf-Wood spirit coexistence much more nuanced and deep, and it certainly makes the forest spirits a lot more interesting than simply being sweet prancing faeries. The fluff makes justification for the Wood elves to fight all over the old and new world, potentially the entire globe with the world root system which makes me think of the Disney gummi bears root travel system lol. The wood elves seem to live in paradise from outside looking in comparing them to other races, but like all good stories they have dark secrets and dark places even the wood elves don't dare that sometimes strike out.

For example the forest spirits and wood elves are happy to invite humans to their feasts, but when the humans fall asleep they are taken by spirits to be sacrificed to unknown horrors in the forest. Now that is good fluff.

Wood Elves are certainly not the strongest army, but that doesn't make them uncompetitive.Then again I have never been into this hobby as win at all cost and if you don't like it then make up your own kinband with their own culture and own forest spirits as the fluff says there are hundred of unique kinbands in athel loren with distinct cultures.