Solar Return Chart Software

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  1. How To Read A Solar Return Chart

The Birthday Report - Solar Return Forecast ReadingMatrix SoftwareSolar Return Forecast ReadingThe most advanced astrological interpretationever produced.Interpretations by John TownleySolar Return ForecastWe all know that each year the Sun returns to the same place in the zodiac as the moment you were born. That happens within a day of your birthday every year, so it’s your birthday chart. Your natal or birth chart may be the most important description of you, but your Birthday Chart each year has a lot to say about how you are now and what the current year has to offer.The Birthday Report by astrologer John Townley provides a detailed and in-depth look at what is happening right now, fully interpreted, and lays out a map of the opportunities and pitfalls for the coming year.Take a look at the sample report.

It is beautiful from start to finish, taking advantage of full graphics and even individual Astro.Image cards (like tarot cards for astrologers).We hope you enjoy it.

How To Read A Solar Return Chart

Solar Return astrology softwareSolar Returnchart astrology software.Solar Return chart is calculated for the time when the transiting Sun arrives every yearat its exact natal position.). This chart is gaining large popularity amongAstrologers nowadays. The interpretation should begin with the analysis of the relationshipbetween the natal houses and those of the Solar Return (SR) chart. The Ascendant(Asc) and the Midheaven (Mc) of the SR are of prime importance in anyinterpretation.

Also houses superimposition (Natal/ SR Houses) is extremely importantindicative tool for the coming year events. Solar Return planets always often behave and function in theway they inherited in the Nativity. Strongand favorably aspected natal malefic planet such as Mars or Saturn will not be so harmfulin the SR chart, the same thing could be said aboutafflicted benefic planet like Jupiter if it were in bad natal state as it willnot be able to express all its favorable power in any transit in the chart.The analysis of the Solar Return Chart required more attention to the followingpoints:.- The placement of the annual (SR ) Asc. In(which ) natal house andsign.- The placement of the natal Asc. In theannual (SR ) houses.- Any favorable or unfavorable aspects between SR Asc. And thenatal angles and planets, and any aspects between the SRplanets and theradical angles.- The superimposition of the SR houses inside natal houses is very indicative.- Mutual aspects between SR andNatal planets arevery important taking into the consideration the houses the rule in the chart.) Astrology interprets planets positions inthe zodiac at certain minute in relation to 1) each others 2) and to therising point at that very minute. The rising point begins the first house of thethe 12 houses.

In Astrology each house influences particular field of lifeactivates of the Native. In the Nativity which is the Horoscope for thebeginning of human life of every living creature, the position of planets in thezodiac at that minute is very significant. The position of the Sun is called thenatal Sun, in fact it is the Heliocentric position of the Earth, over which theSun (the Heliocentric Earth) passes once every year.

The very minute of thispassage is called the Solar Return ( to its natal position) and the chart(horoscope) erected is called Solar Return Chartfor that year. It is supposed to reflect the coming events and tendenciesfor the coming year. To many astrologers, it is considered to be key forecastingtool.Figure 1: Let us take the John Lennon's chart to illustrate Solar Returnanalysis. He was assassinated when he was forty.

Suchevent cannot pass without having permanent astrological marks in his charts. Lennon's Nativityand his SR charts for the year of his deathfor different place are shown below. Many Astrologers recognize SR chart for the place ofresidence is the most important one. As Lennon died in another city then where he wasborn, his case puts more light on that notion. First let usread what his Nativity refers about his death.1) His natal 8th (house of death) contains 3 heavy planetsall of them were retegrading (backward motion as seen from the earth). It is badsign for every planet.2) His natal 8th is ruled by Venus, which could be excellentindication if Venus were not located in Virgo (its Fall sign). It means theplanet is weak and ready to show its bad side rather than any good, indeed thatwhat had happened.

Happily returning back home (Hotel) with his girl afterhaving finemusic concert, met him some foolish shoots and immediate death (Saturn in the 13°in conjunction with Jupiter also in 13° both in the natal 8th). Bobcad v21 crack keygen torrent. Probably thefame he gained (Jupiter ) after his sudden (Uranus ) death (Saturn )between the arms of his beloved wife (Venus ) could be better understood form hisNativity chart on the left. 3) His 12th house (Hospitals worst places) didn't show any help, Mars andNeptune were located there both in their (Determent signs) makes the planetrather wicked and contradictory or simply helpless. Though the natal Neptunerefers to Lennon's artistic output (sixth house ruler ) but it alsosignifies causes of death from open enemy (the 12th of the 7th ).UsuallyAstrologers consider Solar Return chart for theplace of resident is the most important, it seems (as in this example) that SRfor the Birth Place remains active as well.

(Below you find series of SRcharts calculated by the software showing 2 charts one inside the other.The Solar Return chart is fixed in the outer ring. It is also possible to fix SRchart inside the Nativity as in figure 5 )Figure 3: John Lennonspent his 1980 birth day in NY, it is the place where he was murdered. HisSR chart for NY should show a lot about that event.

With the software it ispossible to erect NY SR chart in seconds. Let us see how it looks like.It looks dreadful. What a coincidence that Lennon'stransiting Sun returned to its exact natal position at the time when1) Plutowas just setting under the horizon in NY.2) Mars was hanging on the cusp of the 8th house (NYchart )3) Neptune was entering the 8th house.4) The slow moving Saturn approached Lennon'snatal Mars.5) Jupiter the other slow movingplanet was transiting Lennon's natal Neptune.All that happened under the shade of6) The new Moon.It is difficult to imagine so many coincidences taking placeat the same time, such coincidences may happen once in million year. Probably,they were not just coincidences but clear manifestation to the lore of Astrology andthe secrets of Solar Return chart.

Their interpretation can tell only onething that this man was going to be killed in that place (NY ) and in that year. Andthat has happened.Figure 4: If somany coincidences happened with John's NY SR chart then they could have happenalso with hisSolar Return chart in any other city. Let us see his 1980 Solar Return chart for Los Angles below.One cannot find anything angular or anything significant in this chart. Of course there could have been exact aspects but allhave missed theirtarget. Non of the aspects in the chart below managed to be exact.Astrologers often advice Kings and celebrities where to spend their birth day.Even her majesty the Queen Elizabeth timed her visit to Korea not accidentallywhere she spent her birth day there in1952.Figure 5: All previousSolar Return charts were in the outer ring and the houses were of the SolarReturn chart. They differ from one city to the other as the geographical location ofthe city influences the calculation of the chart and the houses cusp.Figure 5 shows the Solar Return planets are located in the inner ring inside the Nativity.

Inthe outer ringwe see Lennon's Nativity. This chart doesn't differ much fromany usual Transits chart but SR houses are always of special significant.

Chart ofthis kind only withdraws the attention to addition information useful to theanalysis as for example in the case the conjunction aspect between thetransiting Saturn (death - planet nature& end of life - ruler of natal 4th ) / and natal Mars (violent - planetnature & the Native himself - Mars ruled the 1st inNY SR ). It took place indeed in the 12th natal house (killing ).Even more; The conjunction aspect between the transiting SR Jupiter (Death (inside natal 8thin conjunction with natal Saturn at the13° ) and Pleasure (natal 5thruler) and natal Neptune (ruler of the 12th house in NY SR chart &in natal 12th ) took place in the natal 12th house as well!Please send mail towith your questions and comments about this web siteLast modified:December 30, 2015.