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This site displays a prototype of a “Web 2.0” version of the dailyFederal Register. It is not an official legal edition of the FederalRegister, and does not replace the official print version or the officialelectronic version on GPO’s documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published FederalRegister documents. Each document posted on the site includes a link to thecorresponding official PDF file on This prototype edition of thedaily Federal Register on will remain an unofficialinformational resource until the Administrative Committee of the FederalRegister (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status.For complete information about, and access to, our official publicationsand services, go toon NARA's OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliableregulatory information on with the objective ofestablishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctionedpublication in the future.

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Comments Close: Document Type: Proposed Rule Document Citation:84 FR 40482Page:9(808 pages)CFR: 42 CFR 403 42 CFR 410 42 CFR 414 42 CFR 415 42 CFR 416 42 CFR 418 42 CFR 424 42 CFR 425 42 CFR 489 42 CFR 498 Agency/Docket Number: CMS-1715-P RIN:0938-AT72Document Number: 2019-16041. Start Preamble Start Printed Page 40482 AGENCY:Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS. ACTION:Proposed rule.

Table 4—SBA Maximum Interest Rates PriceUseful life yearsInterest rate (%)$50K$50K7+6.003. Changes to Direct PE Inputs for Specific ServicesThis section focuses on specific PE inputs. The direct PE inputs are included in the CY 2020 direct PE input public use files, which are available on the CMS website under downloads for the CY 2020 PFS proposed rule at. Standardization of Clinical Labor TasksAs we noted in the CY 2015 PFS final rule with comment period (-67641), we continue to make improvements to the direct PE input database to provide the number of clinical labor minutes assigned for each task for every code in the database instead of only including the number of clinical labor minutes for the preservice, service, and postservice periods for each code. In addition to increasing the transparency of the information used to set PE RVUs, this level of detail would allow us to compare clinical labor times for activities associated with services across the PFS, which we believe is important to maintaining the relativity of the direct PE inputs.

This information would facilitate the identification of the usual numbers of minutes for clinical labor tasks and the identification of exceptions to the usual values. It would also allow for greater transparency and consistency in the assignment of equipment minutes based on clinical labor times. Finally, we believe that the detailed information can be useful in maintaining standard times for particular clinical labor tasks that can be applied consistently to many codes as they are valued over several years, similar in principle to the use of physician preservice time packages. We believe that setting and maintaining such standards would provide greater consistency among codes that share the same clinical labor tasks and could improve relativity of values among codes. For example, as medical practice and technologies change over time, changes in the standards could be updated simultaneously for all codes with the applicable clinical labor tasks, instead of waiting for individual codes to be reviewed.In the CY 2016 PFS final rule with comment period , we solicited comments on the appropriate standard minutes for the clinical labor tasks associated with services that use digital technology.

Table 8—Example of Direct PE Pricing Transition Current Price$100Final Price200Year 1 (CY 2019) Price1251/4 difference between $100 and $200.Year 2 (CY 2020) Price1501/3 difference between $125 and $200.Year 3 (CY 2021) Price1751/2 difference between $150 and $200.Final (CY 2022) Price200For new supply and equipment codes for which we establish prices during the transition years (CYs 2019, 2020 and 2021) based on the public submission of invoices, we proposed to fully implement those prices with no transition since there are no current prices for these supply and equipment items. These new supply and equipment codes would immediately be priced at their newly established values. We also proposed that, for existing supply and equipment codes, when we establish prices based on invoices that are submitted as part of a revaluation or comprehensive review of a code or code family, they will be fully implemented for the year they are adopted without being phased in over the 4-year pricing transition. The formal review process for a HCPCS code includes a review of pricing of the supplies and equipment included in the code. When we find that the price on the submitted invoice is typical for the item in question, we believe it would be appropriate to finalize the new pricing immediately along with any other revisions we adopt for the code valuation.For existing supply and equipment codes that are not part of a comprehensive review and valuation of a code family and for which we establish prices based on invoices submitted by the public, we proposed to implement the established invoice price as the updated price and to phase in the new price over the remaining years of the proposed 4-year pricing transition. During the proposed transition period, where price changes for supplies and equipment are adopted without a formal review of the HCPCS codes that include them (as is the case for the many updated prices we proposed to phase in over the 4-year transition period), we believe it is important to include them in the remaining transition toward the updated price.

We also proposed to phase in any updated pricing we establish during the 4-year transition period for very commonly used supplies and equipment that are included in 100 or more codes, such as sterile gloves (SB024) or exam tables (EF023), even if invoices are provided as part of the formal review of a code family. We would implement the new prices for any such supplies and equipment over the remaining years of the proposed 4-year transition period. Our proposal was intended to minimize any potential disruptive effects during the proposed transition period that could be caused by other sudden shifts in RVUs due to the high number of services that make use of these very common supply and equipment items (meaning that these items are included in 100 or more codes).We believed that implementing the proposed updated prices with a 4-year phase-in would improve payment accuracy, while maintaining stability and allowing stakeholders the opportunity to address potential concerns about changes in payment for particular items. Updating the pricing of direct PE inputs for supplies and equipment over a longer time frame will allow more opportunities for public comment and submission of additional, applicable data. We welcomed feedback from stakeholders on the proposed updated supply and equipment pricing, including the submission of additional invoices for consideration.We received many comments regarding the market-based supply and equipment pricing proposal following the publication of the CY 2019 PFS proposed rule. For a full discussion of these comments, we direct readers to the CY 2019 PFS final rule (-59480). In each instance in which a commenter raised questions about the accuracy of a supply or equipment code's recommended price, the StrategyGen contractor conducted further research on the item and its price with special attention to ensuring that the recommended price was based on the correct item in question and the clarified unit of measure.

Based on the commenters' requests, the StrategyGen contractor conducted an extensive examination of the pricing of any supply or equipment items that any commenter identified as requiring additional review. Invoices submitted by multiple commenters were greatly appreciated and ensured that medical equipment and supplies were re-examined and clarified. Multiple researchers reviewed these specified supply and equipment codes for accuracy and proper pricing. In most cases, the contractor also reached out to a team of nurses and their physician panel to further validate the accuracy of the data and pricing information. In some cases, the pricing for individual items needed further clarification due to a lack of information or due to significant variation in packaged items. After consideration of the comments and this additional price research, we updated the recommended prices for approximately 70 supply and equipment codes identified by the commenters.

Table 9 in the CY 2019 PFS final rule lists the supply and equipment codes with price changes based on feedback from the commenters and the resulting additional research into pricing (-59480).After consideration of the public comments, we finalized our proposals associated with the market research study to update the PFS direct PE inputs for supply and equipment pricing. We continue to believe that implementing the proposed updated prices with a 4-year phase-in will improve payment Start Printed Page 40502accuracy, while maintaining stability and allowing stakeholders the opportunity to address potential concerns about changes in payment for particular items. We continue to welcome feedback from stakeholders on the proposed updated supply and equipment pricing, including the submission of additional invoices for consideration.For CY 2020, we received invoice submissions for approximately 30 supply and equipment codes from stakeholders as part of the second year of the market-based supply and equipment pricing update. These invoices were reviewed by the StrategyGen contractor and the submitted invoices were used in many cases to supplement the pricing originally proposed for the CY 2019 PFS rule cycle. The contractor reviewed the invoices, as well as prior data for the relevant supply/equipment codes to make sure the item in the invoice was representative of the supply/equipment item in question and aligned with past research. Based on this research, we are proposing to update the prices of the following supply and equipment items: Start Printed Page 40503For most supply and equipment items, there was an alignment between the research carried out by the StrategyGen contractor and the submitted invoice.

The updated CY 2020 pricing was calculated using an average between the previous market research and the newly submitted invoices in these cases. In some cases the submitted invoices were not representative of market prices, such as for the centrifuge with rotor (EP007) equipment item where the invoice price of $8,563 appeared to be an outlier. We did not use the invoices to calculate our pricing recommendation in these situations and instead continued to rely on our prior pricing data. In other instances, such as for the kit, probe, cryoablation, prostate (Galil-Endocare) Start Printed Page 40504(SA099) supply item, our research indicated that the submitted invoice price was more representative of the commercial price than our CY 2019 research and pricing.

We are proposing the new invoice prices for these supply and equipment items due to our belief in their greater accuracy.For some of the remaining supply and equipment items, such as the five-gallon paraffin (EP031) equipment and the Olympus DP21 camera (EP089) equipment, we maintained the extant pricing for CY 2019 due to a lack of sufficient data to update the pricing. In these situations where we did not have an updated price for CY 2019, we believe that the newly submitted invoices are more representative of the current commercial prices that are being paid on the market.

We are again proposing the new invoice prices for these supply and equipment items due to our belief in their greater accuracy.In addition, we were alerted by stakeholders that the price of the EM visit pack (SA047) supply did not match the sum of the component prices of the supplies included in the pack. After reviewing the prices of the individual component supplies, we agree with the stakeholders that there was a discrepancy in the previous pricing of this supply pack. We are proposing to update the price of the EM visit pack to $5.47 to match the sum of the prices of the component supplies, and proposing to continue to transition towards this price over the remaining years of the phase-in period.We finalized a policy last year to phase in the new supply and equipment pricing over 4 years so that supply and equipment values transition smoothly from their current prices to the final updated prices in CY 2022. We finalized our proposal to implement this pricing transition such that one quarter of the difference between the current price and the fully phased in price was implemented for CY 2019, one third of the difference between the CY 2019 price and the final price is implemented for CY 2020, and one half of the difference between the CY 2020 price and the final price is implemented for CY 2021, with the new direct PE prices fully implemented for CY 2022. An example of the transition from the current to the fully-implemented new pricing is provided in Table 8.

For CY 2020, one third of the difference between the CY 2019 price and the final price will be implemented as per the previously finalized policy.The full list of updated supply and equipment pricing as it will be implemented over the 4-year transition period will be made available as a public use file displayed on the CMS website under downloads for the CY 2020 PFS proposed rule at. (2) Invoice SubmissionWe routinely accept public submission of invoices as part of our process for developing payment rates for new, revised, and potentially misvalued codes. Often these invoices are submitted in conjunction with the RUC-recommended values for the codes.

For CY 2020, we noted that some stakeholders have submitted invoices for new, revised, or potentially misvalued codes after the February 10th deadline established for code valuation recommendations. To be included in a given year's proposed rule, we generally need to receive invoices by the same February 10th deadline we noted for consideration of RUC recommendations. However, we would consider invoices submitted as public comments during the comment period following the publication of the PFS proposed rule, and would consider any invoices received after February 10th or outside of the public comment process as part of our established annual process for requests to update supply and equipment prices.

(3) Adjustment to Allocation of Indirect PE for Some Office-Based ServicesIn the CY 2018 PFS final rule ( through 53000), we established criteria for identifying the services most affected by the indirect PE allocation anomaly that does not allow for a site of service differential that accurately reflects the relative indirect costs involved in furnishing services in nonfacility settings. We also finalized a modification in the PE methodology for allocating indirect PE RVUs to better reflect the relative indirect PE resources involved in furnishing these services. The methodology, as described, is based on the difference between the ratio of indirect PE to work RVUs for each of the codes meeting eligibility criteria and the ratio of indirect PE to work RVU for the most commonly reported visit code. We refer readers to the CY 2018 PFS final rule ( through 53000) for a discussion of our process for selecting services subject to the revised methodology, as well as a description of the methodology, which we began implementing for CY 2018 as the first year of a 4-year transition.

For CY 2020, we are proposing to continue with the third year of the transition of this adjustment to the standard process for allocating indirect PE. Determination of Malpractice Relative Value Units (RVUs) 1.

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OverviewSection 1848(c) of the Act requires that each service paid under the PFS be composed of three components: Work, PE, and malpractice (MP) expense. As required by section 1848(c)(2)(C)(iii) of the Act, beginning in CY 2000, MP RVUs are resource based. Section 1848(c)(2)(B)(i) of the Act also requires that we review, and if necessary adjust, RVUs no less often than every 5 years. In the CY 2015 PFS final rule with comment period, we implemented the third review and update of MP RVUs. For a comprehensive discussion of the third review and update of MP RVUs, see the CY 2015 proposed rule ( through 40355) and final rule with comment period ( through 67596). Table 12—Proposed Cost Share Weights for CY 2020 GPCI Update Expense categoryCurrent cost share weight(%)Proposed CY 2020cost share weight(%)Work50.86650.866Practice Expense44.83944.839—Employee Compensation16.55316.553—Office Rent10.22310.223—Purchased Services8.0958.095—Equipment, Supplies, Other9.9689.968Malpractice Insurance4.2954.295Total100.000100.000e.

PE GPCI Floor for Frontier StatesSection 10324(c) of the Affordable Care Act added a new subparagraph (I) under section 1848(e)(1) of the Act to establish a 1.0 PE GPCI floor for physicians' services furnished in frontier states effective January 1, 2011. In accordance with section 1848(e)(1)(I) of the Act, beginning in CY 2011, we applied a 1.0 PE GPCI floor for physicians' services furnished in states determined to be frontier states. In general, a frontier state is one in which at least 50 percent of the counties are “frontier counties,” which are those that Start Printed Page 40513have a population per square mile of less than 6. For more information on the criteria used to define a frontier state, we refer readers to the FY 2011 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) final rule ( through 50161).

There are no changes in the states identified as Frontier States for the CY 2020 PFS proposed rule. The qualifying states are: Montana; Wyoming; North Dakota; South Dakota; and Nevada. In accordance with statute, we would apply a 1.0 PE GPCI floor for these states in CY 2020. Methodology for Calculating GPCIs in the U.S.

TerritoriesPrior to CY 2017, for all the island territories other than Puerto Rico, the lack of comprehensive data about unique costs for island territories had minimal impact on GPCIs because we used either the Hawaii GPCIs (for the Pacific territories: Guam; American Samoa; and Northern Mariana Islands) or used the unadjusted national averages (for the Virgin Islands). In an effort to provide greater consistency in the calculation of GPCIs given the lack of comprehensive data regarding the validity of applying the proxy data used in the States in accurately accounting for variability of costs for these island territories, in the CY 2017 PFS final rule ( through 80270), we finalized a policy to treat the Caribbean Island territories (the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico) in a consistent manner. We do so by assigning the national average of 1.0 to each GPCI index for both Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. We refer readers to the CY 2017 PFS final rule for a comprehensive discussion of this policy. California Locality Update to the Fee Schedule Areas Used for Payment Under Section 220(h) of the Protecting Access to Medicare ActSection 220(h) of the PAMA added a new section 1848(e)(6) to the Act that modified the fee schedule areas used for payment purposes in California beginning in CY 2017. Prior to CY 2017, the fee schedule areas used for payment in California were based on the revised locality structure that was implemented in 1997 as previously discussed. Beginning in CY 2017, section 1848(e)(6)(A)(i) of the Act required that the fee schedule areas used for payment in California must be Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as of December 31 of the previous year; and section 1848(e)(6)(A)(ii) of the Act required that all areas not located in an MSA must be treated as a single rest-of-state fee schedule area.

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The resulting modifications to California's locality structure increased its number of localities from 9 under the current locality structure to 27 under the MSA-based locality structure; although for the purposes of payment the actual number of localities under the MSA-based locality structure is 32. We refer readers to the CY 2017 PFS final rule for a detailed discussion of this operational consideration.Section 1848(e)(6)(D) of the Act defined transition areas as the fee schedule areas for 2013 that were the rest-of-state locality, and locality 3, which was comprised of Marin County, Napa County, and Solano County. Section 1848(e)(6)(B) of the Act specified that the GPCI values used for payment in a transition area are to be phased in over 6 years, from 2017 through 2022, using a weighted sum of the GPCIs calculated under the new MSA-based locality structure and the GPCIs calculated under the current PFS locality structure. That is, the GPCI values applicable for these areas during this transition period are a blend of what the GPCI values would have been for California under the current locality structure, and what the GPCI values would be for California under the MSA-based locality structure. For example, in CY 2020, which represents the fourth year, the applicable GPCI values for counties that were previously in rest-of-state or locality 3 and are now in MSAs are a blend of 2/3 of the GPCI value calculated for the year under the MSA-based locality structure, and 1/3 of the GPCI value calculated for the year under the current locality structure. Primitivism cubism abstraction project. The proportions continue to shift by 1/6 in each subsequent year so that, by CY 2021, the applicable GPCI values for counties within transition areas are a blend of 5/6 of the GPCI value for the year under the MSA-based locality structure, and 1/6 of the GPCI value for the year under the current locality structure. Beginning in CY 2022, the applicable GPCI values for counties in transition areas are the values calculated solely under the new MSA-based locality structure.

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For clarity, we reiterate that this incremental phase-in is only applicable to those counties that are in transition areas that are now in MSAs, which are only some of the counties in the 2013 California rest-of state locality and locality 3.Additionally, section 1848(e)(6)(C) of the Act establishes a hold harmless for transition areas beginning with CY 2017 whereby the applicable GPCI values for a year under the new MSA-based locality structure may not be less than what they would have been for the year under the current locality structure. There are a total of 58 counties in California, 50 of which are in transition areas as defined in section 1848(e)(6)(D) of the Act.