Apache Commons Io Copy File

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Fetches entire contents of an InputStream and representsame data as result InputStream.This method is useful where,. Source InputStream is slow.

  1. Copy Multiple Files From One Directory To Another In Java
  2. FileUtils

It has network resources associated, so we cannot keep it open forlong time. It has network timeout associated.It can be used in favor of, since itavoids unnecessary allocation and copy of byte.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream. Parameters: input - Stream to be fully buffered. Returns: A fully buffered stream. Throws: - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.0.


toBufferedInputStream public static ( input,int size)throws. Fetches entire contents of an InputStream and representsame data as result InputStream.This method is useful where,. Source InputStream is slow.

It has network resources associated, so we cannot keep it open forlong time. It has network timeout associated.It can be used in favor of, since itavoids unnecessary allocation and copy of byte.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream.

Parameters: input - Stream to be fully buffered. Size - the initial buffer size Returns: A fully buffered stream. Throws: - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.5. toBufferedReader public static ( reader).


Copy Multiple Files From One Directory To Another In Java

Gets the contents of a Reader as a byteusing the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedReader. Parameters: input - the Reader to read from encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Returns: the requested byte array Throws: - if the input is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported. Since: 1.1. toByteArraypublic static byte ( input)throws.

Gets the contents of an InputStream as a character arrayusing the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream. Parameters: is - the InputStream to read from encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Returns: the requested character array Throws: - if the input is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported. Since: 1.1.

toCharArray public static char ( input)throws. Gets the contents of an InputStream as a Stringusing the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream. Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Returns: the requested String Throws: - if the input is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported. toString public static ( input)throws. Gets the contents of an InputStream as a list of Strings,one entry per line, using the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream. Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from, not null encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Returns: the list of Strings, never null Throws: - if the input is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported.

Since: 1.1. readLines public static  ( input)throws. Writes bytes from a byte to chars on a Writerusing the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method uses. Microsoft autoroute euro 2013 full lz0 free.

Parameters: data - the byte array to write, do not modify during output,null ignored output - the Writer to write to encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Throws: - if output is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported. Since: 1.1. write public static void (char data,output)throws. Writes chars from a char to bytes on anOutputStream using the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method uses. Parameters: data - the char array to write, do not modify during output,null ignored output - the OutputStream to write to encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Throws: - if output is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if the encoding is not supported. Since: 1.1. write public static void ( data,output)throws.

Writes chars from a CharSequence to bytes on anOutputStream using the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method uses. Parameters: data - the CharSequence to write, null ignored output - the OutputStream to write to encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Throws: - if output is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if the encoding is not supported. Since: 2.0. write public static void ( data,output)throws. Writes chars from a StringBuffer to bytes on anOutputStream using the specified character encoding.Character encoding names can be found at.This method uses.

Parameters: data - the StringBuffer to write, null ignored output - the OutputStream to write to encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Throws: - if output is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if the encoding is not supported. Since: 1.1. writeLinespublic static void ( lines,lineEnding,output)throws. Writes the toString value of each item in a collection toan OutputStream line by line, using the default characterencoding of the platform and the specified line ending. Parameters: lines - the lines to write, null entries produce blank lines lineEnding - the line separator to use, null is system default output - the OutputStream to write to, not null, not closed Throws: - if the output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 1.1.

writeLines public static void ( lines,lineEnding,output,encoding)throws. Writes the toString value of each item in a collection toan OutputStream line by line, using the specified characterencoding and the specified line ending. Parameters: lines - the lines to write, null entries produce blank lines lineEnding - the line separator to use, null is system default output - the OutputStream to write to, not null, not closed encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Throws: - if the output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.3. writeLines public static void ( lines,lineEnding,output,encoding)throws. Writes the toString value of each item in a collection toan OutputStream line by line, using the specified characterencoding and the specified line ending.Character encoding names can be found at.

Parameters: lines - the lines to write, null entries produce blank lines lineEnding - the line separator to use, null is system default output - the OutputStream to write to, not null, not closed encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default Throws: - if the output is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported. Since: 1.1. writeLines public static void ( lines,lineEnding,writer)throws. Copies bytes from an InputStream to anOutputStream.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream.Large streams (over 2GB) will return a bytes copied value of-1 after the copy has completed since the correctnumber of bytes cannot be returned as an int. For large streamsuse the copyLarge(InputStream, OutputStream) method. Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from output - the OutputStream to write to Returns: the number of bytes copied, or -1 if Integer.MAXVALUE Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 1.1. copy public static long ( input,output,int bufferSize)throws.

Copies bytes from an InputStream to an OutputStream using an internal buffer of thegiven size.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use a BufferedInputStream.Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from output - the OutputStream to write to bufferSize - the bufferSize used to copy from the input to the output Returns: the number of bytes copied Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.5. copyLarge public static long ( input,output)throws. Copies some or all bytes from a large (over 2GB) InputStream to anOutputStream, optionally skipping input bytes.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream.Note that the implementation uses.This means that the method may be considerably less efficient than using the actual skip implementation,this is done to guarantee that the correct number of characters are skipped.The buffer size is given.

Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from output - the OutputStream to write to inputOffset -: number of bytes to skip from input before copying-ve values are ignored length -: number of bytes to copy.ve means all Returns: the number of bytes copied Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.2. copyLarge public static long ( input,output,long inputOffset,long length,byte buffer)throws. Copies bytes from an InputStream to chars on aWriter using the specified character encoding.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream.This method uses. Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from output - the Writer to write to inputEncoding - the encoding to use for the input stream, null means platform default Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.3. copy public static void ( input,output,inputEncoding)throws. Copies bytes from an InputStream to chars on aWriter using the specified character encoding.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedInputStream.Character encoding names can be found at.This method uses.

Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from output - the Writer to write to inputEncoding - the encoding to use for the InputStream, null means platform default Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported. Since: 1.1.

copy public static int ( input,output)throws. Copies chars from a Reader to a Writer.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedReader.Large streams (over 2GB) will return a chars copied value of-1 after the copy has completed since the correctnumber of chars cannot be returned as an int. For large streamsuse the copyLarge(Reader, Writer) method.


Parameters: input - the Reader to read from output - the Writer to write to Returns: the number of characters copied, or -1 if Integer.MAXVALUE Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 1.1. copyLarge public static long ( input,output)throws. Copies some or all chars from a large (over 2GB) InputStream to anOutputStream, optionally skipping input chars.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedReader.The buffer size is given. Parameters: input - the Reader to read from output - the Writer to write to inputOffset -: number of chars to skip from input before copying-ve values are ignored length -: number of chars to copy.ve means all Returns: the number of chars copied Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.2. copyLarge public static long ( input,output,long inputOffset,long length,char buffer)throws.

Copies some or all chars from a large (over 2GB) InputStream to anOutputStream, optionally skipping input chars.This method uses the provided buffer, so there is no need to use aBufferedReader.Parameters: input - the Reader to read from output - the Writer to write to inputOffset -: number of chars to skip from input before copying-ve values are ignored length -: number of chars to copy.ve means all buffer - the buffer to be used for the copy Returns: the number of chars copied Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.2. copypublic static void ( input,output)throws. Copies chars from a Reader to bytes on anOutputStream using the default character encoding of theplatform, and calling flush.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedReader.Due to the implementation of OutputStreamWriter, this method performs aflush.This method uses. Parameters: input - the Reader to read from output - the OutputStream to write to Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 1.1.

copy public static void ( input,output,outputEncoding)throws. Copies chars from a Reader to bytes on anOutputStream using the specified character encoding, andcalling flush.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedReader.Due to the implementation of OutputStreamWriter, this method performs aflush.This method uses.Parameters: input - the Reader to read from output - the OutputStream to write to outputEncoding - the encoding to use for the OutputStream, null means platform default Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs Since: 2.3. copy public static void ( input,output,outputEncoding)throws. Copies chars from a Reader to bytes on anOutputStream using the specified character encoding, andcalling flush.This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use aBufferedReader.Character encoding names can be found at.Due to the implementation of OutputStreamWriter, this method performs aflush.This method uses.

Parameters: input - the Reader to read from output - the OutputStream to write to outputEncoding - the encoding to use for the OutputStream, null means platform default Throws: - if the input or output is null - if an I/O error occurs - thrown instead of in version 2.2 if theencoding is not supported. Since: 1.1. contentEquals public static boolean ( input1,input2)throws. Skips bytes from an input byte stream.This implementation guarantees that it will read as many bytesas possible before giving up; this may not always be the case forskip implementations in subclasses of.Note that the implementation uses ratherthan delegating to.This means that the method may be considerably less efficient than using the actual skip implementation,this is done to guarantee that the correct number of bytes are skipped.Parameters: input - byte stream to skip toSkip - number of bytes to skip. Returns: number of bytes actually skipped. Throws: - if there is a problem reading the file - if toSkip is negative Since: 2.0 See Also:,. skip public static long ( input,long toSkip)throws.

Skips characters from an input character stream.This implementation guarantees that it will read as many charactersas possible before giving up; this may not always be the case forskip implementations in subclasses of.Note that the implementation uses ratherthan delegating to.This means that the method may be considerably less efficient than using the actual skip implementation,this is done to guarantee that the correct number of characters are skipped.Parameters: input - character stream to skip toSkip - number of characters to skip. Returns: number of characters actually skipped. Throws: - if there is a problem reading the file - if toSkip is negative Since: 2.0 See Also:,. skipFully public static void ( input,long toSkip)throws.

Reads characters from an input character stream.This implementation guarantees that it will read as many charactersas possible before giving up; this may not always be the case forsubclasses of. Parameters: input - where to read input from buffer - destination offset - initial offset into buffer length - length to read, must be = 0 Returns: actual length read; may be less than requested if EOF was reached Throws: - if a read error occurs Since: 2.2. read public static int ( input,char buffer)throws.


Reads the requested number of characters or fail if there are not enough left.This allows for the possibility that maynot read as many characters as requested (most likely because of reaching EOF). Parameters: input - where to read input from buffer - destination offset - initial offset into buffer length - length to read, must be = 0 Throws: - if there is a problem reading the file - if length is negative - if the number of characters read was incorrect Since: 2.2. readFully public static void ( input,char buffer)throws. Reads the requested number of bytes or fail if there are not enough left.This allows for the possibility that maynot read as many bytes as requested (most likely because of reaching EOF). Parameters: input - where to read input from buffer - destination offset - initial offset into buffer length - length to read, must be = 0 Throws: - if there is a problem reading the file - if length is negative - if the number of bytes read was incorrect Since: 2.2. readFully public static void ( input,byte buffer)throws.